About Our Security Service
Our highly professional security team provides the best operatives that have been trained within the security industry, military service, police service or extreme sports. We combine every persons talents to produce the perfect team for every mission, posessing the exceptional skills that are not often found in other operators, we bring our talents to the table and accept every challenge that others won't.  Our recruitment process is tailored to meet your specific needs.

We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of your property and assets.  There is a person with the experience for every job within our company whether its door security, close protection or drugs and explosives detection.  All of our operatives come with specific skills that you will not find in a regular security agency. We build our team to the specifications of every client requirement and we are particularly interested in recruiting operative with extreme sports skills . We as a company value your privacy as a top priority and whilst under our protection you can rest asssured that the best team in the business has your back!